RMRA aims to:
- Build & strengthen the knowledge and ability to create opportunities within communities to work in partnership with government
- Build the knowledge and ability within government to work in partnership with communities
- Enable communities to define issues and priorities which drive negotiated local responses
- Build strong partnerships between government and non-government sectors to deliver effective localised responses
- Hold government accountable for appropriate service delivery to Aboriginal communities

RMRA Meeting October 2019
Local Decision Making (LDM)
Local Decision Making recognises the right to self-determination and the right to participate in decision-making and exercise full authority and self-management consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
How Aboriginal communities are represented and how they come together to make decisions, are matters for communities to determine.
Learn More
RMRA Membership
The Riverina Murray Regional Alliance has been established to represent the interests of community members and Aboriginal organisations in ten communities in the Riverina Murrary region.
The Alliance covers Albury, Cootamundra, Cummeragunja, Deniliquin, Griffith, Hay, Leeton, Narrandera, Tumut and Wagga Wagga.
Aboriginal Affairs
Binaal Billa Region
(02) 6887 4405
RMRA Achievements
Our Regional Strategic Priority Plan (RSPP) is a four year plan commencing on 1 January 2018 and guiding activities through until 31 August 2021.
This Plan focuses on getting our structures, relationships and capabilites right in order for us to then focus on achieving sustainability and demonstrable outcomes.

our Newsletter will be brought out every 4 months. This Newsletter will keep you up to date on what we've been up to in each of the communities in last 4 months.
It's easy to subscribe just enter your name and email address below.
RMRA Reports

RMRA Events Report
There are many social factors that impact on the physical, social, emotional and spiritual health of Aboriginal people in our communities. These include the changing social and economic roles and loss of identity; changing notions of roles in society and families; relationship breakdown; racism; mental health issues including depression, anxiety and suicide; unemployment, working patterns and hours, Aboriginal culture; as well as services which are lacking in responsiveness to our needs.
Riverina Murray Regional Alliance heard from our communities when we hosted the first Regional Healing forum in Griffith in November 2017. Community members in attendance stated they wanted opportunity to gather, to be together, to share, to learn and to grow our future generations with opportunities to learn culture, language and return to our way of being.

RMRA Regional Strategic Priority Plan
The Regional Strategic Priority Plan (RSPP) is informed by our member communities and outlines our regions strategic priorities and goals. This plan states the actions we believe are required to address these priorities, the key performance indicators by which we will measure our progress and the proposed timeframes for implementation.
RMRA provide an important voice for our communities to achieve real and measurable improvements for Aboriginal people across the Riverina Murray. Through this Plan we seek to enhance lives, providing voice for our communities and increasing self-sufficiency. This plan identifies our priorities for service provision and outlines our expectations of service providers within our region servicing our communities.